On Thursday 21 September in the afternoon, Hydrogenics is celebrating the completion of two innovative PEM electrolyser projects at their electrolyser manufacturing plant in Oevel (Belgium). The new electrolyers are to be deployed in combination with wind energy
· 2,5 MW electrolyser system to be delivered for a Power-to-Gas project in Germany with a direct connection to a new wind park,
· 1 MW electrolyser system to be delivered for a Power-to-Power project (including hydrogen storage and re-electrification through a 400 kW fuel cell) in Thailand, with a direct connection to an existing wind park to overcome grid stability issues in the region.
The event will include a high-level political discussion on the role of renewable hydrogen in the energy transition in Europe, Germany, the Netherlands and in Belgium.
Practical information
· Date: Thursday 21 September from 12.30 until 17.30
· Location: Hydrogenics Europe N.V., Nijverheidsstraat 48c, B-2260 Oevel, Belgium (+/- 1 hour driving distance from Brussels).
· 12h30: Welcome & networking lunch
· 13h30: Presentations
o Lam Takhong Wind Hydrogen Hybrid Project Thailand, Hydrogenics (confirmed)
o Brunsbüttel Power-to-Gas project Germany, Hans Thiessen, Wind to Gas Südermarsch GmbH (confirmed)
o Keynote speech (under confirmation)
o Short presentations
§ Power-to-Refinery in Germany: status quo, Werner Diewald, Deutsche Wasserstof Association (invited)
§ Hydrogen Roadmap in Noord-Holland, Jaco Reijerkerk, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Manager, University of Delft (confirmed)
§ Power-to-Gas for offshore wind in the North Sea, René Peters, TNO (invited)
§ GO Plus: Guarantee of Origin mechanism to finance renewable hydrogen projects, Öko-Institut e.V.(confirmed)
· 15h00: Panel discussion “The role of wind-to-hydrogen in the energy transition”
o Moderation: Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Hydrogen Europe (confirmed)
o Giles Dickson, WindEurope (confirmed)
o Werner Diewald, Deutsche Wasserstof Association (invited)
o Jaco Reijerkerk, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Manager, University of Delft (confirmed)
o René Peters, TNO (confirmed)
o Hans Thiessen, Wind to Gas Südermarsch GmbH (confirmed)
o Christof Timpe, Öko-Institut e.V.(invited)
· 16h00: Coffee break
· 16h30: Tour of the electrolyser manufacturing plant and inauguration ceremony
· 17h30: Networking drink
The event is free of charge. Please register your attendance by email to Nicole Engelen (nengelen@hydrogenics.com) before 10 September 2017. Seats are limited and will be assigned on a first arrived/served principle.