La più grande fiera europea di idrogeno e celle a combustibile
April 01-05 2019
Hall 27, C66 Exhibition Grounds, Hannover, Germany
Information Flyer 2019: Facts & Figures
Hydrogen + Fuel Cells EUROPE è parte di HANNOVER MESSE
- World’s leading trade fair for industrial technology
- 200.000 visitors and 6.000 exhibitors are expected
- 5 trade fairs at one venue covering all major industrial technologies on 200.000 m²
- Synergy with other energy topics: wind, smart grids, virtual power plants and renewable forms of energy

Main Facts
- 150+ exhibitors from 20 countries
- 5.000 m² exhibition area
- 15.000 m² Ride+Drive outdoor area
- 150 live streamed interviews and
presentations in two forums - Daily VIP delegations
- Established exhibition since 1995
Exhibition topics
- Hydrogen generation
- Hydrogen storage and transport
- Fuel cell systems and applications: Stationary, automotive, mobile, special markets
- Components and supplying technology
- Fuel cell and battery testing
- Stationary batteries